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What often may seem to be the slowest road can in effect be the fastest. Action plans are just that, the way truly successful people and organizations realize their dreams, increase efficiency and make the best use of their resources. The most important and hardest to come by, is the resource called TIME.
An Action Plan is the surest bet that you will save time, money, and much frustration. It is a way to help you focus on what is most important and what you will need to do to achieve your goals and desires. It can be used for both large and small projects. They will also help you find the hopes and dreams of your partners and employees to better align them with your hopes and dreams.
The biggest stumbling block to a successful action plan is in the planner. It is hard work, it takes precious time, and here is the big one – it needs action. But this is where the successful and the unsuccessful people part ways.
When creating an action plan, it is best if you can work with a team. If you are alone, it would be desirable if you can have an advisory team (people you ask to help you) work to help achieve your objectives. Another idea that may help is go to the local university, college or high school business class and ask if they would like to work with you and help create a plan. They may have some interesting and useful ideas and suggestions.
Step 1 Define your Challenge.
What is it you want to accomplish? Or in business parlance, identify your objective. The key here is to keep it simple and create one plan for each objective. If there are many objectives to work on, you make a list of all your objectives and then prioritize them. Then work on the most important one the will move your business forward the soonest.
Step 2 Once you have selected your objectives, write down all the solutions and actions steps needed to accomplish your objective.
Here is where you can use the mnemonic I found in Mind Tools, “SCHEMES”. Schemes stands for the Space, Cash, People, Equipment, Materials, Expertise, and Systems that you will need to accomplish your objectives. Once again, when you have your list arranged, prioritize the list in order as to what needs to be accomplished first, second, and so on.
For each of your steps, assign a person to be responsible for the task and a date that it needs to be accomplished by. Unless of course, there is only you. Having accountability and specific deadlines will help you keep on task.
Step 3 Start at once.
There is no time like the present to start. Every time you complete a task, check it off as finished. This simple action has the positive effect of giving extra satisfaction. This is important when the going gets tough. When you achieve, higher milestones reward yourself, after all if you can’t enjoy the journey why take the trip.
Step 4 Finish what you start.
If you finish what you start, you cannot help but succeed. As Winston Churchill was noted as saying, “Never, never, never quit.” The key to finishing what you start is to not let yourself get sidetracked – keep your focus. Remember to always work on that which will most advance your business at the time and to resist jumping from one task to another.
Author: Richard Koch
Secrets of the 80/20 Principle Revealed! Richard Koch unveils the secrets to how this mysterious but practical principle actually works … how it is affecting your life right now … and how you can start using it to your advantage.
Author: Michael E. Gerber
Take Charge of Your Business and Your Life
Eighty percent of all businesses fail in their first five years! When you are facing down those kind of odds, you’d better know exactly what you are doing before you take the plunge. These techniques for entrepreneurs enumerate how to successfully build a business that will soar in both booming and sagging economic markets. Learn to focus on the results, not the work, and to see your business as your product. Work on your business, not in it, to create a perfect turnkey operation—a perfect money machine—that delivers results.
What did King Arthur, Franklin Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all have in common?
Other than being wildly successful and in most cases, wonderfully wealthy, they worked with others outside of their company or immediate circle. These people, some called them a mastermind alliance, were specifically for collaboration. Helping them to get out of their comfort zone, networking opportunities, and giving a sober second opinion.
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Keep up the excellent job and delivering in the crowd!
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