Do I Have To Do The Goals Thing?
by Stephanie Frank
I just finished a private phone conference with Brian Tracy. If you do not know Brian, he is one of America's authorities on personal effectiveness. He spoke to 250,000 people last year, and is also a leading authority on sales and marketing. Do you want to know what he talked about? SETTING GOALS!
Now, if you are rolling your eyes and thinking about what a waste of time this is, let me ask you this - how do you know that you are successful without a measuring stick? If your goal is to be financially independent, what exactly does that mean? To some, it might mean an extra $300 per week. To others, it might mean a million dollars in residual income.
Either way, your goal is nothing unless it is written down. Something happens in your mind when you physically write down a goal - your mind subconsciously goes to work on that goal. The right people show up in your life - the right circumstances appear and pathways previously unavailable to you suddenly become available.
One of the first things you need to do is DECIDE to reach a goal. Decide to become a non-smoker. Decide to lose weight. Decide to earn an extra $50,000 this year. Next, set a deadline. Then make a list of everything you need to do to reach that goal. Prioritize by importance. Now here's the real key to reaching your goal - are you ready? Really ready? Okay, here it is - YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Don't think for a second that you can just think about it and magically it will happen. Life just doesn't work that way. Do something every day to reach your goal - persistence is the true key to success.
Here's your homework. Get a piece of paper and title it Goals 2006. Write down 10 goals as if they already happened with a deadline. (example: I am a non- smoker by May 31, 2006).
Achieve Your Dreams,
Stephanie Frank is an internationally published best-selling author and speaker in the areas of human behavior, entrepreneurial life and cyber security.
She is a Certified Cybercrime Intelligence Investigator, Master NLP Coach, Trainer, Behavioral Profiler and veteran Entrepreneur. A national columnist for Inc. Magazine, she has also been seen and heard in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, NBC Radio, Neil Cavuto, Fox and Friends NYC and thousands of media outlets.