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The Impact of Making a Decision

by Stephanie Frank

Last month I wrote about the importance of deciding to reach a goal. Out of the responses I received, I noticed a common question. That question was "Stephanie, what happened when YOU decided to pursue your dreams?" Since so many of you asked me about my personal situation, I decided to describe it here.

My life is full of excitement and happiness. I visit family and friends when I want, travel to great places, and spend lots of quality time doing the things I love. I have a spacious home in a beautiful neighborhood with a housekeeper and gardener. I have the freedom to work wherever I want, and typically I choose to work by the pool in my backyard. My husband and I vacation several times per year. My investments grow monthly, and I am able to buy almost anything I want and do what I want most of the time.

But it wasn't always so. There was a time when I was a slave to my clients, traveling across the world whenever they wanted me to speak, sometimes working 30 days or more in a row without a break. I hardly ever saw my family. The airport security guards knew me by my first name. The even knew which luggage was mine! As I worked harder and harder, I became more and more unbalanced. I didn't have time to exercise, read a book, go to a movie, or do things I really enjoyed. My refrigerator was bare, because I only had time to come home for a brief stay before I headed back to the airport and onto another trip.

Though my business was flourishing, my personal life was suffering. I lost weight and had very little energy. I wasn't eating well. My husband and I did not communicate except to say a quick "Hello" or "Goodbye". I had no fun, no freedom and though I loved my work as a public speaker, it had consumed my life. This was not at all what I had set out to accomplish.

Then, one day, I discovered a secret. I had been listening to my mentors, who had been trying to tell me that burnout was inevitable if I didn't balance my life, but I hadn't really been listening. One day I hit rock bottom. I woke up in a hotel in a country and city where I couldn't even remember where I was. The full impact of my mentor's words suddenly hit me and it all became very clear and I decided to balance my life.

I started making changes. I set goals, developed time management skills and took control of my life. I learned new ways to create passive income, and fit in the personal things I really was missing. These are things they don't teach you in school. I have become an expert in making money from the Internet and through network marketing, and have helped many others to do the same.

Today, I teach others the secret to finding fun, freedom and balance in their personal and professional lives while creating a remarkable income to provide for their families. I knew I deserved to have a joyful and fulfilling life, and I did something about it. You can do something about it too, if you make the decision. That's your part - I'll help you with the rest.

Stephanie Frank is a co-founder of the Whole Wealth Institute, and speaks to help others Prepare For, Create and Maintain their personal wealth. She is the author of the The Accidental Millionaire.