What Do You Need A Website ForTo WEB or not to WEB That is not even a question today, if you don’t have a website you don’t exist. Your website is the window to the world seven days a week, 4 weeks a month, and 52 weeks a year. Often, it is the first thing a person will look at before they come to visit you. Yes, I use the word visit, because a prospective customers is a friend you haven’t met yet and before they buy from you they need to trust you. Bottom line, if they don’t like your look on the website they won’t come in. Read more... |
What To Write In A Press Release
In business, Those who have the best story wins – always! Think about it? The best books, movies, songs, plays, or ballets are those that tell a great story. They captivate their audience and move them to an emotion of some sort. Isn’t that what you want to do with your press release, capture attention and move your audience to some sort of action? |
What Is An Effective Advertising Strategy?How do you determine what is going to work or not work? What do you really need to know to make your ad work successfully ? There no accidents or lucky breaks when it comes to creating your advertising. It takes what I call the four “A’s” |
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COLOUR AND YOUR BUSINESSAccording to Martin Christie of Logo Design, London; “Understanding the psychology of colours is vital to designing an effective logo.” In fact, choosing the right colours for your business and subsequent forms of advertising are essential. The aesthetic of your product and its labeling can have a huge impact on sales. Read more... |
COST PER CONTACT - LIFETIME VALUE OF A CLIENTAdvertising can appear in many forms: such examples are press releases, business cards, radio ads, television spots, newspaper ads, direct mailings, or even talks at service clubs, to name just a few. It can cost great sums of money or it can be free. The cost isn’t indicative of the effectiveness. The best advertising is the one that brings a return on investment. As long as it brings in more than it costs, you are doing well. Read more... |
ADVERTISING SECRET NUMBER 1 – SELL THE BENEFITS TO THE CLIENTMany articles on marketing start with defining your target market, but I would suggest that it starts well before that. Know your product! How can you create a positioning paper, market place strategy, advertising program, or sell your product or service to anyone without knowing your product completely? Read more... |
ADVERTISINGAdvertising means diverse things to different people. It is misunderstood and much maligned. But whatever you believe about advertising it works most of the time for some people, some of the time for most people, and according to some it never works. But why does it work for a few people all of the time? read more... |
AN AFFORDABLE MARKETING PLANIf you think the only way to execute your marketing plan is with expensive advertising, you’ll be pleased to learn there are other less costly approaches. A good place to start is by spending some time researching your market. To better target your small business marketing plan, create a portrait of your ideal customers. Read more... |